SSQIPressRThe proverbial grand slam: A 900% increase in targeted acquisition.  The perfect strategy, the right execution and a content-driven offer that C-Level executives simply couldn’t refuse.Before taking on the SSQI account, the client failed in every direct campaign and their only lead acquisition was via word of mouth. Our campaign changed everything. The key: We spoke directly to C-Level executives personal fears and pains instead of talking about how “their companies” would benefit from this program.

Three months of intensive, matrix-based, email, eNewsletter and Adword testing revealed the key ingredients for highly effective C-Level lead generation. Qualified, Fortune 1000 leads were pouring in at a rate of 10-50 per month. Major success components included:




SSQI_Stretch 1. Strategic Messaging: When talking to C-Level executives, tests revealed that SSQI needed to directly address executives’ personal pain points and not their companies’ challenges. The campaign ultimately focused on what a C-Level executive needed to do in order to reach or exceed her/his personal goals.




SSQIEmail22. Execution: “Research Reveals C-Level Executives Biggest 3Q Mistakes” (Email Subject Line example). In short, we promoted “the negative” —the pain point(s)—instead of promoting the positive virtues of working with SSQI. Newspapers and magazines clearly reveal that human beings —yes, C-Level execs are human—are attracted to the “negative”. Additionally, research states that executives simply do not relate well to self-promotional hype.






3.SSQI_Offer Content Driven Offers: The look, title, and the  specific offer content are always vital to success. “The 49-Point” Guidebook resonated very-very well with C-Level executives because it delivered a tangible answer to their personal “pain points”. The use of 49 on the cover was a big success component.









4. Targeted Microsites: We developed a series of targeted microsites to provide targeted information and credibility. It worked.






SSQILeadEmail6. Nurturing Campaigns: Highly segmented, multi-touchpoint emails were sent at different intervals based on the intelligence of each lead. Scores were exceptionally high, which proved that the leaders were genuine.









5. SSQI.Adword ResultsAdwords: Once we found the magic buttons, our Six Sigma niche campaign consistently brought in 50-60 C-Level leads per week; way beyond the industry norm.